Fancy a walk? Choose a drift, follow the prompt and explore in new ways.
Drifts assembled for the 2020 Fourth World Congress of Psychogeography.

Explore your living space in silence, seeking the source of secret and hidden noises. Go on tiptoe, listening for squeaks and creaks. Follow the path of rumbling pipes. Seek out tiny cavities, containing echoes.
The room you are in is a landscape. Where is the horizon? What are those vast objects in the distance? Follow patterns underfoot. Walk perimeters like the edges of fields or shorelines. Find a pool of light to swim through or float on.
The aliens have landed! As you walk, look for evidence of interplanetary visitation in your environment. Can you find any unidentifiable objects? Is that strange, mutating botanical an alien plant species? The sings are out there…
Take a hide-and-seek wander. Look for, and give attention to, objects and creatures that usually go unnoticed. Seek out the partially obscured and hidden. Note some potential hiding places of your own.
Take a geometrical drift, collecting 2D shapes. Start with circles, then gather triangles, rectangles and squares. Keep working up through 5-, 6-, 7- and 8-sided shapes. See if you can push up to 10 – and beyond.
Follow the colour red, using your walk to join the dots between red objects and instances. See where it takes you.